Sunday, April 15, 2007

Later in the day: 7 Jalál/Glory 164 B.E.

Periods of intense tests and trials have often left me feeling stronger and more confident. Why is this?

Tests appear to be a part of earthly existence and yes, we can be broken by the winds of life or we can find we are able to be flexible and adapt during storms and so our level of flexibility increases as does our willingness to change. The saying: “These things are sent to try us” has always made more sense to me when the words are changed to: “These things are sent to grow us.”

My life has been filled with tests and sometimes it has felt to me that my spirit has broken as a result of the constant struggle and the effort of gritting my teeth through the pain. There have been occasions when the darkness of despair has dragged me into the belief that nothing would ever be bright again and all every fibre of my body wanted was for it all just to end.

Most of the time, however, tests have been learning opportunities and became for me experiences similar to a blood test where the end result simply gave information. “What is lacking, what is ailing, what remedy is required?”

Despite some very severe tests right now, my heart is skipping and dancing and my spirit soars and sings non stop.

What did bring light into the voids of black anger and fear and self pity that trapped me? This week my dear friend and physician Dr Joanne Roohani shared a thought that may hold part of the answer. She said she always saw the tests of life from the view of a student. She added: “If you are not prepared for a test, it turns out to be a nightmare but if you are prepared, it may still be tough but you work through it with little stress and effort.”

Throughout my entire life, it has been obvious to me that what happened to me was preparing me for something. Before a time of trial, very specific people crossed my path or a particular extract from God’s Messages to humankind became reality for me and these Words or these people later proved to be exactly what was required for me to endure through the adversity. Sometimes one period of intense challenge gave me the equipment required to forge my way through the next period of hardship.

Do you think the words below bear any relation to why we might have to face tests during our time in this earthly garment?

Unless the season of winter appear, thunder roll, lightning flash, snow and rain fall, hail and frost descend and the intensity of cold execute its command, the season of the soul-refreshing spring would not come, the fragrant breeze would not waft, the moderation of temperature would not be realized, the roses and hyacinths would not grow, the surface of the earth would not become a delectable paradise, the trees would not bloom, neither would they bring forth fruits and leaves. That fierce inclemency of cold, snow, frost and tempest was the beginning of the manifestation of these roses, hyacinths, buds, blossoms and fruits.”(Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v3, p. 655)

In the beginning of his life man was in the matrix world. In the world of the matrix he obtained capacity and preparation for this world. The forces and powers necessary for this world he attained there. In this world he needed eyes; he received them potentially, in the other. He needed ears; therefore he obtained them in the world of the matrix. All the powers he needed in this world he attained potentially in the world of the matrix. In the world of the matrix therefore he was prepared for this world; so that when he came to this world he found that all the necessary forces were ready -- all his needs for material sustenance were provided.

Therefore in this world also he must prepare himself and get ready for the life hereafter. That of which he is in need in the world of the Kingdom he must obtain here. Just as he prepared himself by acquiring the forces necessary in this world in the world of the matrix, so likewise it is necessary that all needful in the Kingdom, all the forces of the Kingdom -- must be acquired in this world.

646. What is he in need of in the Kingdom after he is transferred from this world to the other world? That world is a world of sanctity, therefore it is necessary that he acquire sanctity in this world. In that world there is need of radiance, therefore radiance must be acquired in this world. In that world there is need of spirituality. In this world he must acquire spirituality. In that world faith and assurance, the knowledge of God, the love of God, are needed. These he must acquire in this world so that after he ascends from this mortal to that immortal world he shall find all that is needful in that life eternal ready for him.

It is self-evident that that world is a world of Lights; therefore there is need for illumination. That world is a world of Love! hence love of God is needed. That world is a world of perfections; virtues or perfections must be acquired. That world is a world of the Breaths of the Holy Spirit and in this world must they be acquired. That world is a world of the Life Eternal. In this world must he acquire it. But how can he? By what means can he acquire these things? How is he to obtain these merciful powers?

647. First, -- through the knowledge of God. Second, -- through the love of God. Third, -- through faith. Fourth, -- through philanthropic deeds. Fifth, -- through self-sacrifice. Sixth, -- through severance from this world. Seventh, -- through sanctity and holiness. Unless he obtain these forces, unless he attain to these requirements, surely he will be deprived of the Life Eternal. But if he attain the knowledge of God, becomes ignited through the fire of the love of God, witnesses the great and mighty signs, becomes the cause of love among mankind and lives in the utmost state of sanctity and holiness, surely he shall attain to second birth, will be baptized through the Holy Spirit and witness the Life Eternal.
” (Compilations, Baha'i Scriptures, p. 325)

Please send an e-mail to with your thoughts. It would be wonderful to learn from your perspective.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Renett
I have been reading your pages since Dianne posted your letters to Bahai_discuss.
I too am in a way disabled in this world and until I started reading your wonderful posts and blogs I was finding it very hard to function.
Through your encouraging words I have found a lot to think about and a lot of comfort.
I thank you for the help you have given a stranger.
Love and blessings to you